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Oak Lodge School

Achievement and
Knowledge for Life

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Drama is a subject where pupils consistently make good to outstanding progress. It is taught in a fully equipped drama room with a range of costumes and props available to support a wide range of topics.


Pupils work on developing a range of skills including:


  • Devising – working together to produce a piece of work which is shared with peers or a small invited audience
  • Improvising – responding to a range of stimuli including film clips, news reports, sound effects, music and pictures developing group work skills as well as tolerance and negotiation
  • Characterisation – developing physical and vocal skills, using simple costumes and props, using a range of techniques to deepen understanding of their character and how to respond in role
  • Constructive criticism – evaluating and reviewing their own work and the work of others using photographs and video


During Arts Week pupils across the school work together with an external practitioner to produce a piece of work based on a topic or theme linked to a theatre trip and including backstage and technical support

Pupils also have the opportunity to experience theatre trips, visits and workshops with a range of external practitioners.

Intent, Implementation and Impact
