How do I know how well my child is doing at school? What are the arrangements for assessing and reviewing my child's progress?
In addition to targets set through their EHCP, pupils are also set academic targets across the curriculum with progress monitored termly by class/subject teachers and the senior leadership team. Personal development and subject targets are evaluated regularly to assess the effectiveness and impact of the planned provision using subject specific criteria.
If a pupil is not making expected progress in a particular area of learning, the school can identify the need for additional support. This can take the form of literacy or numeracy intervention or therapeutic support from our therapy team (Speech and Language Therapy and Occupational Therapy). Intervention plans are drawn up to address areas of need and are monitored regularly to ensure any intervention offered makes a difference.
Progress is discussed with parent/carers at individual pupil progress meetings and with the pupil concerned. Pupils also receive an academic report, annually in July.
We offer an open door policy and if at any point you wish to discuss a pupil’s progress an appointment can be made to meet with the Class Teacher or a member of the Senior Leadership Team. Staff in school can offer advice and practical ways that you can help your child at home.