What kind of Special Education needs does Oak Lodge School make provision for?
Oak Lodge School makes provision for pupils who experience moderate learning difficulties, speech, language and communication needs, autism and specific learning difficulties. Pupils are largely taught following a secondary model curriculum and timetable with the vast majority of learning delivered by subject specific staff. The provision and curriculum offered is also adapted to accommodate a number of pupils with more complex learning needs including severe learning difficulties and/or physical disabilities. Here pupils experience a hybrid model of delivery - some lessons with subject specialists, mixed with core subject delivery from the class team.
The Oakmore provision, within Oak Lodge, provides a largely secondary model for pupils with an Autistic Spectrum Condition. Pupils placed in Oakmore are able to access a full timetable delivered by specialist teachers in their appropriate year group. Pupils are working closer to their age-related expectations but identified as being at risk of failing to achieve their social, developmental or academic potential due to the impact of their diagnosis, extreme anxiety or fragile mental health. Oakmore provides a safe secure, holistic and nurturing environment with a high level of pastoral, emotional support and social skills support.
Pupils placed in Oakmore are largely independent in their learning and realistically capable of achieving the small number of GCSEs on offer, with additional support to help manage their anxiety and /or mental health.
Across all areas of the school, the staff team work closely with families, ensuring that they are fully involved in the process of supporting pupils as they continue their education.