How will the curriculum be matched to my child's needs?
Throughout the school, pupils are grouped according to their needs, abilities and age. The level of support will depend on your child’s needs, as identified in their ECHP. All pupils follow a broad and balanced curriculum which is adapted to their needs to ensure high levels of interest and engagement, with learning differentiated to enable them to make progress.
Oak Lodge School offers three learning pathways:
Route 1 – Life Skills and Core Curriculum
Route 2 – Semi-Academic Curriculum
Route 3 – Academic
For more detailed information please look at our Curriculum page on the school website.
Pupils also access a range of opportunities to develop holistically as young people. These include extracurricular activities with a specific arts focus, residential or day trips and community learning. All learning programmes are nationally accredited.
In year 11 we have a strong transition programme supporting our pupils moving to Post 16 education or training.