How will my child be included in activities outside the curriculum including school trips?
Our offsite visits are designed to enhance curricular and recreational opportunities and provide a wider range of experiences than could be provided on the school site alone, promoting the independence of our pupils as learners.
We run after an after school leisure club once a week, which includes trips to the cinema, bowling and swimming. We also have a number of break and lunchtime clubs, these are listed on our website. Oak Lodge School is fully inclusive. All pupils have equal opportunity to participate in any whole school or extracurricular activity offered. Class trips and off site activities are risk assessed with pre visits if necessary, to assess the activities and trips for individual needs. The school has an accessible minibus; however we do use local transport companies that can usually accommodate our needs for longer trips, e.g. theatre visits.
Parents/carers take an active part in discussions around residential visits alongside pupils to ensure that their views are taken into account in the planning. On occasions it may be necessary to offer an alternative venue, such as for a residential trip or class trip, to allow a similar personal development experience but with more appropriate activities for a number of pupils with more complex physical or social, emotional and mental health needs.