School Meals
Lunchtime is very important for developing good eating habits and inter-personal relationships. School meals are freshly prepared on site each day and are based on a healthy menu. If you prefer your child may bring in a packed lunch from home.
The cost of a school meal is £3.20. Payment should be made in advance on the first day of each week either on-line or by cheque if you prefer, made payable to Hampshire County Council.
To make a payment on your child's Scopay dinner account please click here
If you are receiving Income Support from the Department of Health and Social Security, your child will be entitled to free school meals. If you qualify, you will need to register directly on-line here or if you prefer the school can apply on your behalf, if you wish to do this please contact the school office at
Oak Lodge School is a nut free school. All our school meals are made from nut free recipes and we ask that all packed lunches and snacks from home are kept nut free too.
We thank you for your co-operation.
School Dinner Menu's
Menus revert back to week one at the start of each Half term.
School Dinner Menu's Weeks 1, 2 & 3
Tuck Shop Menu
At morning break pupils will be able to buy a snack from our Tuck Shop. We believe this promotes an important life skill and encourages independence.
If your child would like to purchase a snack for morning break, please can you endeavour to provide the correct change wherever possible. Tuck Shop payments are not available online.
Education Catering Special Diets Portal
Please visit the link below explaining how you can apply for your child's medical special dietary menu. Please note this is only necessary if your child has a medical condition or an allergy that affects their diet. You will be required to provide medical evidence to support your application.
If you have already informed the school/Education Catering of an allergy or medical condition that affects your child's diet you will need to create an online account and re-register your child's requirements by visiting:
Click here for Special Diets Application
For more information visit Education Catering | Hampshire County Council (