How does Oak Lodge School identify and assess my child's Special Educational Needs? How is the decision made about the level of support my child receives?
All pupils attending Oak Lodge have an EHCP (Education Health and Care Plan) which names Oak Lodge School as the most appropriate provision for that pupil. The school is a maintained Secondary Special School and provides small class sizes and levels of staffing to meet your child’s needs as identified in their EHCP. The use of additional funding through Pupil Premium, is targeted at specific groups and the impact of this on pupil achievement is monitored and reviewed.
The Local Authority SEN department decides the level of support each pupil receives prior to transition and outlines resources, teaching programmes and multi-agency involvement related to meeting these needs in the EHCP.
Pupils are set short term targets from the outcomes indicated in the EHCP covering the four areas: cognition and learning, communication and social interaction, physical, sensory, independence and social, emotional and mental health needs.